To access the template select Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS CARDIOVASCULAR > DVT.

You can save this template as a favourite by adding it to your F12 favourites for quick access.

The template has the following tabs available; Home, Diagnosis, Review and Resources.


The Home tab displays a summary of relevant patient medical history and alerts. Please see our Home Page Support Guide for more information.


Suspected DVT - Tick to code Suspected deep vein thrombosis (XaNfd).  There is also a link to the  Wells DVT Score template.

Diagnosis - Select the most appropriate code to add a confirmed DVT diagnosis.

Type - As well as ticking to code there is a link to risk factors and management of Unprovoked VTE.


The Review Tab is split between three sections Review, Impression and Management.  


Below the History/Examination free text fields you can enter a number of different coded entries for BP, Pulse Rate, Rhythm.  Clicking in to any of these fields will show historical data in the yellow pane on the right side of the template.

There is a direct link to Vitals & Lifestyle template should you want to add any further vitals or lifestyle factors such as smoking status or alcohol consumption.

Red flags are listed and there is a link to Wells PE and PERC score.


The Impression section allows you to select the relevant code for the patients current condition.


There are presets available along side the Plan free text box for frequently typed text, click on the preset button (notepad icon) and add 1 or multiple lines of text by pressing & holding Ctrl on the keyboard and using mouse to select. The text can be edited once added to the template.

Below the Plan free text box there are boxes to tick to record any advice given, use the little pencil icons to add further notes if needed.


There is a link to both the DVT and Analgesia formularies for prescribing medication.

Anticoagulant monitoring in primary care / secondary code can be added and the Drug Monitoring templates are available for Warfarin and NOAC.


Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via SMS/email by copying & pasting the link into Send Message. You can also get to this page by clicking on the 'Leaflets' button on the Review tab.


There are a number of reports for DVT within the  Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd folder: Conditions | Cardiovascular >(see Alerts and Registers)

For prescribing reports go to: Prescribing > Alerts | Anticoagulants and also Monitoring | Anticoagulants