Ardens can assist practices with questionnaires for patients to complete online.

The below includes some of the online questionnaires that are currently available:  

  • Consent Forms - Minor surgery, injections, implants, IUCDs
  • New Patient Registration Questionnaire
  • Letter Requests - e.g. Fit Note Request
  • Home Reading Questionnaires - e.g. Home BP Monitoring
  • Triage Questionnaire
  • LTC Pre-Assessment Questionnaires - e.g. Asthma, CVD, COPD, DM, Epilepsy, HRT, oral contraception
  • Symptom Questionnaires - e.g. Oxford Hip Score, IPSS 
  • Travel Appointment Questionnaires

These questionnaires can either be sent to the patient via a URL link using the Communications Annexe, or can be accessed on the SystmOnline desktop version.

Questionnaires via a URL Link

1. Sending a link to a questionnaire

2. What the patient receives

3. Processing submitted questionnaires

4. Viewing submitted questionnaires

1. Sending a link to a questionnaire

Simply open the Communications Annexe which is accessible from many places on the Ardens templates. You may also wish to add it to your F12 Favourites for quick access. On here you will see an option to search for and add a link to a questionnaire. You can also send questionnaires in bulk by going to Clinical Reporting, running the relevant report and then right-click > action > Use Communications Annexe.

2. What the patient receives

The patient will then receive an SMS or email with a link to open the questionnaire as below.

The patient is taken to an identification validation screen where they simply need to enter their data of birth. 

Once correctly identified, the patient can then complete the questionnaire. 

If there is a score, the patient can calculate the score and submit their answers.

3. Processing submitted questionnaires

Once submitted, this comes through to the practice as a task which requires actioning. NOTE - These tasks come into SystmOne as Unassigned - you may wish to setup a task rule so the task goes to an appropriate staff group 

You are then given the opportunity to review what data is going to be added to the patient record and you can deselect items if appropriate. 

The submitted data can be seen in the journal as below. 

4. Viewing submitted questionnaires

You will see submitted questionnaires on the home page of many of the relevant templates, for example the Asthma template below. You can easily then just right-click them to view the responses. 

Questionnaires Via SystmOnline

Step 1. Activating Questionnaires

1. Go to Setup > Users & Policies > Organisation Preferences > Online Services > Patient Communication
2. Makes sure the box is ticked for ‘Allow patient to submit questionnaires that have been published for online use by this unit’ and click ok.
3. Then go to Setup > Data Entry > Questionnaires
4. Find the Ardens Questionnaire you want to use, eg Asthma Review and tick 'Available Online'

Step 2. Using Questionnaires

1. Inform your patient to login onto SystmOnline and select Records >Questionnaires
2. The patient can then complete the questionnaire and click submit
3. On submission, you will be sent a task to review the questionnaire.
4. If you action the task the data and read codes will be added automatically to the patient record.

Please Note

Questionnaires are not available in the SystmOnline App