Patients typically have multiple contact methods recorded. SystmOne allows for the designation of a 'preferred contact method' for each patient. The Ardens invitation suites utilise this preferred contact method to send invitations accordingly.


Prior to sending invitations, it is advisable to ensure all patients have a preferred contact method recorded.

Ardens has provided a series of reports to assist in identifying patients with a recorded preferred method of communication, as well as those for whom the contact method is recorded as 'unknown' or specified as 'no communication'. It is possible to record the preferred contact for multiple patients in bulk.

Locate the reports as follows:

Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Administration > Preferred contact method | All

Data Quality reports

Data quality reports have been created to identify discrepancies in contact preferences. For instance, a report may indicate email is marked as the preferred method of contact, yet there is no email address recorded. Additionally, reports may uncover cases where SMS is selected as the preferred contact method, but a mobile number has not been recorded. It is recommended to rectify any discrepancies identified in these reports prior to sending invitations.

These reports can be located by navigating to:

Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Administration > Preferred contact method | Data quality

To find patients who have email preferred set but do not have an email address recorded use the above highlighted report, entitled:

'?review preferred contact method - As email preferred but no email address (breakdown results by 'Demographics > Email address')

  • First run the report
  • Once the report has updated, right-click on the report and select Breakdown Results
  • From the next screen, open the Demographics folder on the left side
  • From the list displayed, tick email address
  • Click refresh at the top of the screen
  • The right side of the screen will show all patients email addresses, however the number at the top will show how many patients do not have an email address recorded 
  • To view the list of patients that do not have an email address recorded, right-click on the line and select show patients

Updating a patients preferred contact method - within an individual patient record

The patient record can be updated with their preferred contact method in a number of different ways. Remember to also update the patients SMS consent, particularly if they have dissented from receiving SMS. 

1. From the SystmOne Communications Annexe

  • Launch the Communications Annexe from your toolbar by clicking thebutton or use 'search features' in the bottom-left of SystmOne
  • The current choice will be displayed in the 'Preferred contact method' field. To amend, click thebutton
  • Select the drop down next to 'Preferred contact method' at the top of the dialog box

2. Add 'Preferred method' as a button on your toolbar

  • Follow the instructions for customising your toolbar and add the 'record contact method' button
  • Once added, click on thebutton to 'record preferred contact method'

3. From the 'Patient Contact Details' template

  • This template can be accessed using the F12 launcher in SystmOne, and then searching for 'Patient Contact Details':
  • This template is also linked on other Ardens templates, such as the Reception & Administration template

  • Once in the template, there is a button to launch the 'Telephone + Email' window, where numbers can be added for the patient and the preferred contact method can be chosen using the drop down.

  • There is also a button to just launch the 'preferred method' window to set this without adding a number:

Updating a patients preferred contact method - in bulk

You can also update the preferred contact method as a bulk action on a report of your choice. To do this, run the required report. Once updated, right-click on the report and navigate to:

Actions > Record Preferred Communication Method