The Menopause and HRT Formulary Template is available as a shortcut in both the Menopause Template and HRT Initiation & Monitoring Template.

You can also find this by typing Menopause in the search features box in the bottom left hand side of SystmOne and selecting Menopause & HRT formulary.  Please see the screenshot below.

This template is split between many tabs covering all the different Menopause medication options, with the Home Tab being the decision aid. The formulary is designed so that all relevant medication can be prescribed for the patient on one page, so the hyperlinks at the end of each row will take the clinician to all the medication they would need to prescribe for the patient, such as the Transdermal Oestrogen + Sequential Progestogen screenshot below.

A shortcut back to the Home Tab is available at the top left of each of prescribing tab for convenience.

The Home Tab is split between HRT at the top of the screen and other medications at the bottom. In the HRT section the next option is whether the patient has a uterus or is without. If a patient has a uterus there is a tick box for either perimenopausal or post-menopausal.  This in turn will help the clinician decide which type of HRT will be applicable for the patient. There may be special situations where a patient who is still peri-menopausal may be better managed with continuous HRT – these are detailed in the ‘other indications’ pre-set notes box.  The pre-set button to the right of the free text box has useful free text options that can be chosen if required.

Guidance to equivalent alternatives, higher doses or off - label counselling tick boxes are also available on the relevant prescribing tabs through blue hyperlinks if required.

Resources Tab - Please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article for more information.