Our New Menopause template has been created to replace our Menopause & HRT template. This is designed to assess a patient presenting with perimenopause or menopausal symptoms. The template includes advice on non-medical management but also links to our HRT Initiation & Monitoring Template and our Menopause and HRT Formulary template where the medical management of menopause can be recorded.
At present this can be found by typing Menopause in the search features box at the bottom left hand side on your SystmOne screen and clicking on Menopause *NEW*. Please see screenshot below:
Please Note: You can also save this template to your F12 Favourite screen.
This template is split between 6 tabs; Home, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Consultation, Referral and Resources.
Home Tab
The Home Tab will give you access to the different pages of the template (Diagnosis, Symptoms etc), as well as a summary of relevant medical history for the patient. Please see our Home Tab Support Article for more information.
Diagnosis Tab
The updated Diagnosis Tab allows the clinician to to tick the relevant clinical diagnosis option in the FSH section, which will follow the guidelines on whether a patient should be considered for an FSH blood test based on age and symptoms.
FSH Results can be added and viewed on the right hand side of the template if clicking in the FSH numeric box.
At the bottom of the template the Diagnosis tick boxes are available based on the patients age and condition. The relevant diagnosis can be added here by ticking the relevant description at the bottom of the template or from the Consultation tab.
Symptoms Tab
This tab contains a list of coded common symptoms that a patient may experience if peri- or menopausal. A shortcut to the Greene Climacteric Scale is available at the bottom of the template if required.
Consultation Tab
This tab is split between 3 sections; Assessment, Impression and Management.
Assessment - This section allows the clinician to record monitoring codes along with recording any findings. In order to speed up the recording of findings, we have created some pre-sets to quickly add in any comments that are relevant. Clicking on the paper and green cross icon next to the Greene Score button will open a list of pre-sets as detailed below.
Using the Cntrl button it is possible to select more than one option. Once selected, click OK.
A hyperlink is also available to go back to the Symptoms tab if required. There are also opportunities to use the relevant drop down boxes to code assessment statuses and risks if applicable along with shortcuts to relevant templates.
At the bottom of the assessment section there is also an opportunity to tick if red flags have been considered and excluded along with a link to the Possible Gynaecology Cancer NICE guidance template if required, along with coding numerical codes.
Impression - This contains a drop down box more specific diagnosis and condition codes along with a hyperlink back to the Diagnosis tab if needed.
Management - A free text box and a pre-set button is available next to plan section and a medication review dropdown box with a shortcut to the Menopause and HRT Formulary template.
There are also advice tick boxes with a shortcut to the HRT Initiation & Monitoring Template if required. At the bottom of the template there is a tick box for any psychological support referral and signposting codes if needed to be considered.
Referral Tab
This tab is split into 3 sections; Referral, Advice/Referral and Action.
The Referral section has tick boxes covering different referral areas along with a link to the possible gynaecology cancer template and the unscheduled bleeding on HRT template.
Under the Advice/Referral section tick boxes are available for relevant areas.
The Action section is dependant on the options that are ticked in the above 2 other sections. Using the tick boxes in referral and advice/referral will point the clinician to the next action step if applicable. Please note, if no options are ticked then it suggests that no referral is required as no criteria are met.
Resources Tab
For more information on how to use our resources tab, please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article.