Some support queries can be extremely difficult to resolve without having access to the clinical system.  

Occasionally, after exhausting all other options with screenshots, emails and still no resolution, it may be necessary to schedule a 'Screen Sharing Session' via Teams.

Microsoft Teams is the only product that Ardens staff are authorised to use for this purpose. Screen sharing is covered under the Ardens terms and conditions and is normally only offered as a last resort.

Before a Screen Sharing Session Commences

  • Ensure that you have permission to screen share from the Information Governance lead in your organisation.
  • If you don't feel comfortable or are unsure about permissions, we will not be offended if you decline a screen share session. 
  • Ensure that you close any other windows that contain potentially confidential information. 
  • Ensure all patient records are discarded.
  • If an issue relates to patient records can it be demonstrated by using a test patient rather than a live patient?
  • If you have multiple screens, ensure that you know which is the correct screen to share.
  • Ensure that the computer that you are going to use for screen sharing has speakers and a microphone or a headset attached.


The screen share option is marked in red below

Always ensure that the screen sharing has been ended appropriately and the session is not left open.