Using medical drawings in SystmOne is a really useful way of creating a visual view of a particular location on a patients body.

We have added medical drawings to many of our templates such as the Consultation template above and the Wound Examination template.

There is a drop down box at the top to change the different body part and a magnifying glass icon, which will make the drawing bigger and therefore easier to draw on. 

Clicking on a colour on the left hand side of medical drawing screen allows you to change the colour of the marker.  You can select 2 different colours to use at one time.  This can be done by using your left hand mouse button for the top colour and the right hand mouse button for the colour below. 

You can also click on edit legend and give the colour a name as above.  Please Note: doing this is changing a user preference, if you wanted to edit the legends to use across an entire organisation, go to Users and Preferences and search Medical Drawings - This is only available for people who have System Administrator access rights.

Underneath the colours, is a bar that allows you to change the thickness of the lines that you are creating and below this is an undo button to go back a step.  The red X button will clear the drawing and allow you to start again.

Medical Drawings in the Tabbed or New Journal

Once completed, the medical drawing will be available in the medical record under the new or tabbed journal.