Last review date 16/12/2022

This template can be located in various ways. It can be accessed from the Reception & Administration template, from auto-consultations > ardens GENERAL > Transport or from the F12 launcher

As much or as little detail as is appropriate can be added in free-text

The date can be added using the calendar and urgency, crew and mobility can be added by clicking the presets:

There are easy-to-use list boxes to help you complete the rest of the screen.  To view the weight/BMI of the patient click into the empty box and look at the yellow panel down the left-hand side.

You can view local contact details and contacts from your address book or use a Task 

Tick transport booked and complete the reference number when complete. 

Don't forget to ok the template and save the record when finished.

Note: If you need any help please click help & feedback at the top right-hand corner of the template and click contact us if you wish to fill in the online form for help.