Last review date 03/02/2023

If you are going on leave you can redirect your Pathology, Tasks, & Notifications to another member of staff, you may forward your own, or anyone with System Administrator rights can redirect for other staff members on their behalf.

Redirecting your own Notifications, Tasks & Pathology (or any of these individually) can be done from your Pathology Inbox Workflow>Pathology/Radiology Inbox or within Notifications User>Notifications

Towards the top right click on Redirect 

Start & end dates - input when you would like the redirection to begin/finish

Redirect - tick which areas of the system you would like to redirect.  Note:  notifications are the only private way of sending messages on SystmOne and a redirection means that your messages will be visible to another staff member

Redirect to - select which staff member - click ok

The Cancel button will now be red 

To cancel the redirection click Cancel, click on line to cancel, click Ok

Users with System Administrator rights may redirect for other members of staff on their behalf, this can be done by going to Setup > Users & Policy > Notifications, Tasks & Pathology / Radiology Redirection.  From the list of staff members, select the name of the person who requires the redirection, click Redirect and follow steps as above.