Events in SystmOne can be recorded as a ‘Clinical Event’ or an ‘Administrative Event’.

  • If you enter a patient’s record by right clicking their appointment and then clicking ‘Start Consultation’ and then complete a template, this will automatically record the event as a ‘Clinical Event’.

  • If however you enter a patient’s record by right clicking their appointment and then clicking ‘View Record’ or if you search for a patient and then complete a template, this will record the event as an ‘Administrative Event’. If you have entered the patient’s record this way, you can just click ‘Start Consultation’ near the top left and then open the template, this will then make it a ‘Clinical Event’.

This can sometimes mean ‘Clinical Events’ are marked incorrectly as ‘Administration Events’. This can have the consequence that this event may not show on a view (e.g. a home visit view) or may not show in your filtered journal.

The same thing can also happen if you have searched for a patient using the 'Quick Patient Search'. From this screen, double clicking on a patient or clicking 'Select' to open the record will open them as an 'Admin Event'. Instead, clicking 'Consultation' will open the record as 'Clinically relevant'. 

If you have opened the record as an 'Admin Event', before recording your consultation, just click on 'Start Consultation'.

We recommend that ‘Clinical Events’ and ‘Administration Events’ are both visible in any views and also in your Journal.

We have placed a SystmOne development request to ask for a possible solution so that you can predefine if a template is automatically a clinical or admin event. Please do support this request by going to System> Development Requests > ref 8dc10000