LTC Reviews
Please see below, a list of FAQs relating to the Ardens LTC process:
How can we now use the relevant QOF Invitation codes that are required after the changes to invitation coding?
Please see our Changes to the LTC QOF Invitation Codes Support Article for more details on how to use the relevant QOF invitation codes and also the process required to back date codes for patients that have had invites recorded before the new process was put in place.
Is there a way to find out which patients require bloods each month?
Yes - we have created monthly recall reports for this in Clinical Reporting - Arden's Ltd - LTC Reviews - 04 Booking | Blood tests required.
We have completed some reviews today, but the patient is still in the clinical report?
SystmOne reports generally run overnight so the work will more than likely have been completed on the patients record, but won't be available in clinical reporting until the next day. The Clinical Reporting screen shows you what date the data is based on by looking at the data included up to the date shown in the top right hand corner of the clinical reporting screen.
Care Home patients are appearing in my housebound reports, why is this?
This will be because it is looking for the most recent data, so a housebound code will have more than likely been added after the care home code. To see how a report is created, right click on a report and click on the blue information button.
From the monthly invite report, can I see what conditions each of those patients have?
Yes - we have created some report outputs that you can run when viewing the list of patients you wish to contact. Report outputs add a column to your 'show patients' screen for each condition included in the LTC system, and marks for each patient if they are included in that condition grouping. Please see the 'selecting reporting outputs' section on our Sending LTC Invitations page for more information.
How can I find out which patients have had their Initial LTC Completed box ticked but not had their Annual LTC Review completed?
We have reports that you can run to find which patients have had the first part of their initial LTC code added, but not the Annual LTC Review completed code added. These can be found in the Clinical Reporting - Ardens Ltd - LTC Reviews - 05 Follow up review.
How can you breakdown a report by either event date or month of birth?
To breakdown a report, simply right click on the report you wish to breakdown and select 'breakdown results'. You will then be presented with a list of options on the left hand side. To breakdown by event date, choose the report part you wish to breakdown and click on the Event details folder, then tick Event Date. Clicking on the refresh button at the top of the reporting screen will then show you the event dates. To view this with the patients names click the magnifying glass button, to show patients.
The month of birth can be done in the same way but selecting demographics and tick month of birth. You can then right click on the month you wish to view and select show patients.
Does Ardens have any reports that we can used to see if certain codes haven't been added to a patient even though the LTC Review Completed code has been added?
Depending on what the condition is, you can use our Clinical Reports to see which patients haven't had work completed, this might be really useful nearer the end of the year. Go into Clinical Reports - Arden's Ltd - and choose the relevant Conditions | report.
Using the Diabetes reports as an example, select the Performance Indicators folder and you can run the 'hasn't had a foot screening recorded in the last 13 months' report to find patients that have been missed.
How can we capture patients that require annual bloods monitoring for their medication but aren't on a QOF or Best Practice condition register?
We have reports built within our prescribing monitoring folder to find these patients. Simply go to Clinical Reporting - Arden's Ltd - Prescribing | Monitoring - All | Annual Monitoring no QOF or BEST PRACTICE. For more information please refer to our Drug Monitoring support article for more details.
Can I change my invitation booking process during the year such as changing from Legacy to QOF and Best Practice?
No - We recommend using one of these options throughout the year as change mid way through could mean certain patients may not get picked up
Is there a way of removing some of the conditions from the merge letter, or removing the SystmOnline information if we don't provide LTC appointments to book online?
Yes - you can copy our created mail merge letter and can then find the diagnosis merge field you don't wish to have and delete it. From here you can also remove any other text that isn't appropriate for your practice such as the online booking information.
Please note : If you copy our existing word letter template any changes we make to the original will not be merged into your copied document.
It may also be useful to change the report output of the selected report so any patients that may only have that condition can be not selected in the bulk invite. Please see our Sending LTC Invitations article for details on how to use report outputs.
How will the reception staff know what conditions each of the patients have when booking an appointment?
We recommend that all Admin staff that book LTC appointments for patients go into the patient record and use the same LTC template as the clinicians. We have created a 'Booking' tab, which gives the admin staff a list of both QOF and Best Practice conditions that the patient may have and also whether the patient requires a blood test so they could potentially book a HCA appointment.
Who books the next appointment when a patient has completed their LTC initial Review?
This can be decided by the Practice and could either be done at the same time as the initial appointment being booked, or the person completing the initial LTC review could either book or arrange the booking of the next appointment/s.
We have also created some reports that could also be run so the practice can be aware of who has had their initial completed but not had the LTC Completed code added. These can be found under Clinical Reporting - Arden's Ltd - LTC Reviews - 05 Follow Up Review. For more information, please refer to our Follow up Review support article.
Can we send Ardens Questionnaires in bulk from a report?
Yes - to learn more about Ardens Questionnaires and sending in bulk, please click on our Pre-assessment Questionnaires article.
What do the coloured stars mean on an LTC template?
Red Star = QOF
Yellow Star = Local Contract requirements (LES)
Blue Star = National Contract requirements (DES)
Should the first nurse that sees a patient tick the Annual LTC Review Completed code on the Follow-Up review screen?
No - we would recommend that last person that deals with the patient should mark that the Annual LTC Review has been completed. The work to do list should therefore be completed or empty before clicking the completed code.
What Bloods are included for both LTC reviews and medication monitoring?
To view which bloods are included please click on our Bloods required spreadsheets for more information.
The patient has had their bloods done recently, but it is still showing up on the Blood Test Required list?
The bloods will remain on the Blood test required list until the results have been filed away in the patients record.
They will appear back on the list again if they have gone more than 2 months from having their bloods done. This will mean that the person completing the Follow Up Review will have up to date bloods available to see during that review.
If the patient requires multiple BP readings, do I have to add this to the record more than once?
No - adding just the one BP code should complete all the required BP readings you need to do. If there were any further BP codes needed the work to do list would still highlight this.
If you have any further questions please email our support team at: [email protected]