To locate the template go to Auto-Consultation > ARDENS CONDITIONS MENTAL HEALTH > Self-har

Use the bottom left search bar in SystmOne.

To save as a favourite add to F12 favourites for quick access. 

Navigate to the required tab at the top of the template; Home, Consultation, Referral, Notes or Resources.


The home page shows any outstanding Network Contract DES requirements and a summary of relevant medical history for the patient. 

This includes diagnosis codes, recent numerics, lifestyle information and any care plans. 

Further down, any drug monitoring alerts and relevant medication summary.  

See our Home page support article for further information.


Next to the Self Harm drop down there are links to Wound Examination which provide medical drawings to document location & size of any wounds. Embedded within this template is a link to Attachments which allow you either add any photographs taken or view any previously added to the record.  There is also a Consent Form which can be printed for signature.

As with all Ardens templates the coding can be added via the labelled drop downs and relevant templates linked alongside each of these to access other useful tools or add anything more specific for that particular heading.

For instance both the Decisions & Capacity and Mental Health Act templates provide guidance, coding and any relevant documents needed. 

Other examples here include Mood Scores which provide access to GAD/HADS/PHQ and others

Please note: when clicking on any of the drop down options, the yellow pane to the right side of the template will show any historical codes along with date added.

The Impression section provides coding for risk of deliberate self harm or suicide risk.  Some of which are linked to reports (see bottom of page for more information).


The Mental Health Care Plan is available as a Word document which will automatically merge through any Record Sharing, Medications, Goals and Relationships that are already recorded within the record.

In order for the document to pull through any new detail added within the Crisis Plan free text box you will need to click Ok on the template or Suspend

Once you have reopened the template you can launch the care plan which will pull through the latest information added.

Crisis Plan

This is a Word document available for you to open & complete with the patient. Use the document to list people who the patient can contact for help, triggers that cause self-harm or suicidal thoughts, what they can do to help prevent these thoughts, list any early warning signs and how they can keep themselves safe.

The blue Referral hyperlink navigates to the Referral tab along the top of the template.

This page has built in 'dependencies' which means in order to access the coding within the greyed out Action section at the bottom part of the template, you will need to tick the appropriate boxes above for 'Urgent referral if any of:'

If none of the boxes are ticked, you will only be able to select No further action required as criteria not met

Use the Consultation tab at the top of the template to return.

Record any codes for signposting or referral to IAPT - the link to the right of this is a Wellbeing Leaflet listing local services in your area (if using Ardens Plus or Pro package) or national services.

Relevant Medication review codes can be added and the Antidepressants and Anxiolytics formularies are available for prescribing.


Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via text/email by copying & pasting the link in to Send Message.


To find patients coded as either moderate or high suicide risk + no review in last 3m go to:

Reporting > Clinical Reporting > click on the Ardens Ltd folder and select Conditions | Mental Health > Alerts

?Review as high suicide risk + no review in last 3m

?Review as moderate suicide risk + no review in last 3m