To access the template go to Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS NEUROLOGY > Epilepsy.
If the patient has a current coded diagnosis, click the icon in patients demographics box below name & address details.
To add this template as a favourite add to F12 favourites for quick access.
The template has the following tabs available; Home, Diagnosis, Review, Referral, Resolved, Notes and Resources.
The Home tab displays a summary of relevant patient medical history and any outstanding work relating to contracts/payment. Please see our Home page support guide for more information.
The Diagnosis tab gives the option of either coding suspected epilepsy or adding the most appropriate QOF diagnosis code from the drop down.
The Review Tab is split between three sections; Assessment, Impression and Management.
There are several drop downs available to code a Review, record Activity level, Mood, Memory etc.
Alongside each of these, are corresponding templates which are useful shortcuts. such as the Vitals & Lifestyle template.
Next to this is a Symptom Diary, this can be printed with patients demographic details.
The Depression Screening template gives you access to PHQ scored assessment tools.
The Memory Scores has a wealth of scored assessments to choose from including 6-CIT, GPCOG, MMSE and many others.
If the patient is on any long term medications affecting bone health there is also a link to the Osteoporosis Risk template.
Allows you to record how their Epilepsy is being controlled.
There are presets available along side the Plan free text box for frequently typed text, click on the preset button (notepad icon) and add 1 or multiple lines of text by pressing & holding Ctrl on the keyboard and using mouse to select. The text can be edited once added to the template.
Underneath Plan are of drop down menus to code a drug review, any side effects, driving etc. Alongside these are corresponding templates to record further information such as the Drug Review template and access to the Epilepsy Formulary, please see below:
The Driving provides relevant guidance with a useful DVLA & patient letter.
There are links to the Contraception template & Pre-Conception Management if applicable.
There is also an opportunity to code that a Care Plan has been given to the patient and print out, this will merge through any relevant information previously recorded.
Please Note: To merge through any new information added during the current consultation you will need to OK the template first and re-open before printing the care plan.
The Phlebotomy template will allow you to view recent blood test results or add on a New Electronic Pathology request via ICE or T-Quest.
The little icons towards the bottom right of the Review tab on the template are useful links to Follow Up, creating a Task and link to Prescribing.
Ticking any relevant boxes here will highlight the appropriate Action to be taken.
Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via text/email by copying & pasting the link in to Send Message.
There is also a link to the Med3 & Letters template if you need to generate or view Med3 certificates.