To access the CKD template this can be done from either through Auto consultations drop down > hover over Arden's CONDITIONS Renal > select CKD.  If the patient is currently diagnosed with CKD, click on the kidney shaped Icon  under the patients demographic box.

Home Tab

The Home tab displays a summary of relevant patient medical history and any outstanding work relating to contracts/payment. Please see our Home page support guide for more information. 


This tab goes through the diagnosis steps for CKD from the relevant tests required for diagnosis and an option to code the specific stage from 1 - 6.  A view of the relevant previous results are available at the bottom part of the template.


This tab is split into 4 sections; Review, Results, Impression and Management.

Review - This section will allow the clinician to code the CKD review along with either documenting that the relevant tests have been done or seeing the latest results under the Results section.

Impression - This allows the clinician to code the condition of the patient by using the drop down box.

Management - This contains a Plan field to free type next steps along with advice codes, leaflets, medication with a link to the CKD formulary and the option to create a Care Plan.  There is also a link to our Follow Up template


The Referral tab allows the clinician to tick the relevant criteria options under the criteria section.  Ticking these will light up the relevant referral Action option for next steps


This tab allows the clinician to free text any notes relevant for CKD


For more information on how to use the Resources tab, please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article.