There are a number of resources available on Ardens to assist practices with prescribing NSAIDs safely.
1. Monitoring Template
Ardens has a 'NSAID Monitoring' template to assist with drug monitoring and counselling. To access the drug monitoring template, go to Auto consultations > Ardens Drug Monitoring J to Z > NSAID. The template allows clinicians to quickly record that they have considered the indication, potential contraindications, alternative NSAIDs and that they have checked relevant motioning E.g. BP and UEs. In addition to this it is also possible to print an AKI sick day advice leaflet for the patient and prescribe a PPI from the motioning template.
2. Reports
Ardens reports can assist with reviewing patients prescribed NSAIDS with a potential contraindication, or without appropriate gastroprotection. To find the reports go to Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Prescribing | Alerts > NSAIDs and Paracetamol. Here you can run the reports and then review the patients' record.
3. Status Alert
Ardens have a patient status alert which will add a !! icon in the patient’s demographic box if there are any outstanding medication review items. Double clicking on the alert will launch the 'Drug Review Required' template which lists what needs to be reviewed. Clicking on the 'Drug Specific Template' will then launch the 'NSAID Monitoring' template.