The COPD template can be accessed in a patients record if they are already diagnosed by clicking on the lungs icon on the Patient Status Alert or through Auto-Consultation option, by clicking on Auto-Consultation - Ardens CONDITIONS RESPIRATORY - COPD.

Home Tab

The Home Tab is an overview of the patients COPD.  For more information on how to best use this screen, please see our Home Tab Support Article for more information. 

Diagnosis Tab

If the patient is presenting with possible symptoms of COPD you can access the template through the Auto consultation button as detailed above.  Completing the Diagnosis Tab would allow you to code any suspect information gathered along with spirometry codes and the diagnosis code if applicable.

Review Tab

The Review Tab allows to complete a full review on your patient completing parts of the review that are applicable for the patient. 

The Nijmegen Hyperventilation questionnaire can be completed from the template along with MRC Grades, CAT Tests, Spirometry, GOLD Stage and Group, Inhaler Techniques videos that can be test or emailed to a patient, please see our Inhaler Technique Support Article for more details.  

The COPD Drug Formulary is also available through the template following the latest guidance, please see our Formularies Support Article which explains how to best use Ardens formularies. 

Care Plans can also be created on the Review tab at the bottom of the template, for more information on how to use Ardens Care Plans, please see our Using Care Plans Support Article for more information.

Please Note - Red Stars - QOF Codes Yellow Stars - Local Enhanced Services Codes

Exacerbation and Follow up Tabs

To record an Exacerbation click on the Exacerbation Tab.  In this tab you can record the Assessment, impression code and Management of the Exacerbation.  Any follow ups can be recorded on the follow up tab. 

Located in the bottom right corner of the template are other useful links such as:

The Follow-up (calendar icon) - allows you to add a SystmOne recall, view pending appointments, book an appointment using the appointment ledger. 

Create a task button (clipboard & pencil icon) - allowing you to quickly send a patient task. 

Red Star button - This will open the QOF COPD template for the current year with tabs to see previous if required. Exception codes are available at the bottom of the template and a view of the patients current QOF Alerts.

The Yellow Star icon will open your local Enhanced Services template if applicable.

You also have the Referral and Resources tabs available on the template for any further referrals and patient self help information if required.  Tor more information on the Resources Tab, please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article for more detail.

Respiratory Reports

Ardens Respiratory reports can be found in Clinical Reporting in the Arden's Ltd folder under Conditions | Respiratory.

These reports are separated under the sub headings explained below:

Activity Last Month - These show patients that have had a review, a Respiratory diagnosis, or an exacerbation in the last month.

Alerts - These are looking at best practice reviews that might be useful to do on patients that are on certain respiratory medications, or exacerbation follow ups required.

Care Finders - These can be used to improve the prevalence of your respiratory registers.  Please see our Case Finder Support Article  for more information.

Performance Indicators - These reports are useful to see how many patients require Respiratory reviews for different areas such as NO ACT recorded within the last 13 months, or no Care Plan in the last 13 months.

Registers - This folder gives you are list of respiratory registers along with broken down lists of patients with certain ACT values, meds issued or not issued etc.