Last review date 03/02/2023
To find the travel consultation template, open auto-consultations > ardens IMMS and INJECTIONS > Travel Imms
Consider attaching this template to F12 favourites for easier access.
The template is split into 5 main tabs; Home, Consultation, Immunisations, Malaria and Resources.
Home Tab
The Home tab will give you an overview of the patients vaccinations along with the opportunity to record the encounter if required along with DNAs.
Consultation Tab
This tab is split into 2 sections; Travel Details and Management.
The Travel Details section allows you to either print a blank travel questionnaire or a link to all the Ardens Questionnaires with a link to the Ardens Travel Questionnaire. The letter view will allow you to see a list of all the patients letters that are saved under communication and letters.
Underneath the forms are options to record relevant travel information. Use the preset button to the right of each of the travel details to help add information to the record quicker.
The Management section contains various advice checkboxes to record that advice has been given. Don't forget the pencil opens up to elaborate further on the advice you have given.
Clicking on the links on the right hand side will give you access information from NATHNAC, TRAVAX etc. Tick the box to show that a particular information website has been used.
The Immunisations option will allow you to code of these are up to date and the Malaria option will allow you to code if malaria advice has been given
Travel record card and leaflets can be given at this stage as well using the appropriate options.
Immunisations Tab
This tab allows you to select the relevant immunisation using the shortcut buttons along with coding the vaccine using relevant the drop down boxes. The red asterix shows where a private fee is payable.
You can record if the patient was fit for immunisations, had advice and consent has been given, had a leaflet.
PSD Authorisation can be added if applicable or the relevant tick box can be selected if the injection was given under PSD or PGD.
The follow-up shortcut button allows you to add or remove recalls, make future patient appointments or send patient tasks to relevant staff members.
Malaria Tab
This section allows you to record if malaria advice or leaflets have been given along with opportunity to use the shortcut buttons to prescribe patients with the relevant adult or child malaria medication. A Task can be sent to the GP if prescribing is not possible.
The bottom of the template is a view that will allow you to go through all previous medication that the patient has had, along with the ability to right click and prescribe if applicable.
Resources Tab
This tab gives you access to useful websites and telephone numbers associated with travel information.
Don't forget to OK the template and Save the record when finished.