Last review date 03/02/2023
Stop Smoking Clinic Template
To open the Stop Smoking Clinic template, go to: auto-consultations > NURSES and HCAS > Stop Smoking. Alternatively, add the template to F12 shortcuts for easy access.
There are three tabs/pages on the Stop Smoking template for the
- Assessment Appointment
- Quit Date Appointment
- Follow-up Appointment
Tick the 'Assessment, Quit Date or Follow-Up Assessment' tick box at the top of each page to make the remaining fields on the template become active.
The blue and red stars indicate that there is payment associated with this field. A Blue stars mean that it is linked to a local or national payment requirement for the Stop Smoking Clinic and a Red star means that this is QOF related.
A * by a field indicates that it is mandatory for the NHSE data submission and must be completed in order to click 'Ok' on the template. A ^ by a field indicates that it is a recommended field, meaning that you are prompted to complete this field but can bypass this. On completing the consultation and clicking 'Ok' on the template, if any fields mandatory or recommended fields have not been completed, this will be highlighted by a warning message like the below:
N.B. The Stop Smoking Clinic NHSE contract requests documentation for equality, diversity & inclusion, including gender. Please be aware of NHSE record-keeping policies when asking for & recording this data.
If you need any help please click help & feedback at the top right hand corner of the template and click contact us if you wish to fill in the online form for help.
NHSE Data Submission Requirements
For payment for the NHS Stop Smoking Clinic, a strict set of data fields are required by NHSE. These should all be captured when using the Ardens Stop Smoking Clinic template, but to ensure this has been done then please follow the instructions below:
- Go to Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Contracts | Stop Smoking Services | Q1 Activity
- Run the report ‘Q1 Stop Smoking | Report Output’
- Right click > Show patients
- Click ‘Select Output'
- Click 'Pre-defined report output' and then select 'Smoking Data Collection' then click 'Ok'
- If there are any incomplete rows, right click to open the patient, open the Stop Smoking template and complete all fields as needed. Don't remember to change the event date and back date this to the original appointment date.
Stop Smoking Clinic Reports
There are some reports on Ardens SystmOne to assist practices, however it is not possible to easily report on all data fields required for the NHSE Data Submission on SystmOne. It is therefore recommended that Ardens Manager is used for Pubilc Health and NHSE Data Submissions and this should be used if in place.