Last review date 03/02/2023

*Please see MMR catch-ups for the 2023-24 campaign*

This template can be found within Auto-Consultation > IMMS and INJECTIONS > Childhood Imms

Add this to your F12 Favourites for quick access too.

The Home tab on this template displays the current schedule for Childhood Immunisations, the window at the bottom section of this page shows previous vaccinations and any allergies.  To record a vaccination either click the blue hyperlink for the relevant age or select the tab along the top of the template to navigate to the section required. The Red Stars indicate the immunisations that are achieved through QOF. 

On the relevant Vaccination page for the given age, the white section allows you to enter the relevant codes that go alongside giving the vaccination. This includes:

  • Recording who the child was seen with
  • Their fitness for the vaccination any consent (including the ability to produce a consent form by clicking on the Consent Form button)
  • Any contraindications
  • Whether it was given under a PGD or PSD
  • Whether it was given at the correct age 
  • Relevant tick boxes regarding advice given

In the blue section below click on the buttons to actually add the vaccination(s) to SystmOne (these will show within the Vaccination node of the Clinical Tree in the patients record). This will also automatically pull through any saved Batch Numbers and Expiry Dates you may already have set up in the system.

Depending on the age of the child, there may also be a 'Check Contraindications' button - this is useful to check to see if it is ok to give certain live vaccinations to this patient. By clicking this button a protocol is run in the background to check for codes already recorded in the patient that suggest a contraindication to the live vaccination (e.g. if the patient is on certain high risk drugs, or has a contraindication code already recorded). Of course, if it does indicate a Contraindication this patient may still be eligible for a live vaccination but it is advisable NOT to give the vaccination until this has been discussed with a GP or Specialist.

Click Bravery Certificates and select from the list available to print a certificate, this will merge the childs name. 


There is a selection of reports that can also be found under 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Vaccinations and this has a series of Childhood Folders. 

The Cohort reports will show you the total populations to target broken into target age groups. The Eligible reports will show you the same age groups but those still eligible ie: that have not had the relevant vaccine recorded on their record. 

The Invitation reports are best to use for communicating with the patient's parent or guardian to invite them for vaccination at the appropriate age. These have the correct code to add in bulk once communications have been sent out, and will trigger the patient for second or third invite. 

The Activity reports will show the numbers of vaccinations given in the previous calendar month. (There are additional reports in the CQRS folder to look at this activity too). The Review and Alerts folders will show you children that may be overdue/missed or coding needs to be reviewed for data quality. 

Vaccinations Delivered Overseas

Where a patient has been vaccinated overseas in accordance with the UK National Vaccination Schedule – i.e. the schedule of the overseas country conforms to the UK schedule – practices can record delivery of the vaccination to ensure that the vaccination counts towards QOF achievement, it should not simply trigger a Personalised Care Adjustment.

Clinicians should exercise their judgement to determine that vaccination has been delivered and to record it in the patient record. The Green Book states, “If children and adults coming to the UK do not have a documented or reliable verbal history of immunisation, they should be assumed to be unimmunised and a full course of required immunisations should be planned.”

 The practice must ensure that overseas vaccination do not attract an item of service payment by coding the

vaccination event in the following way:

  1. Backdate the event date of the vaccination to accurately reflect when the vaccination was delivered.
  2. Set the GMS status flag to ‘None’
  3. If the vaccination is for MMR or Shingles, use the “MMR vaccination given by other healthcare provider” or “Shingles vaccination given by other healthcare provider” SNOMED code
  4. Add free text associated with the vaccination SNOMED code to note the date the vaccine was given and where.