You can access the Mental Health SMI Review template through Auto-Consultations - Ardens CONDITIONS MENTAL HEALTH and click on the SMI - Severe Mental Health option.

It can also be added to your F12 favourites launcher.

If you use the Ardens 'Long Term Conditions' template you can also access the template here as part of the Ardens LTC Resources.  Please see below on how this is presented on the LTC template.

SMI HC Register now only includes those coded with an SMI diagnosis (excluding those coded as in remission). The register therefore no longer includes any patients who are taking lithium and not also coded with an SMI diagnosis, which is different to the QOF MH register.  To learn more about the Ardens reports available, please see the bottom of this article.


The top of the home tab contains drop down lists of codes for encounter, seen by, Mental Health team codes and invitation codes. The bottom of the tab is a  summary of relevant medical history for the patient. This includes diagnosis codes, recent numerics, lifestyle information and care plans. Further down, any drug monitoring alerts and relevant medication summary can also be seen.  Please see our Home Tab Support Article for more information.

Review - Mental Health Tab

Please Note: Red stars - QOF requirements Yellow/Blue Stars - Local or National contract requirements

Ensure the relevant 'Review' code is added at the top of the template - these codes will allow you to audit how many patients have had their SMI health check or declined/DNA.

Review section allows you to record who the patient was 'seen by' and if under the care of any other mental health services.

Record any free text with the Assessment field.

There are drop down fields with further links to other templates for recording any deliberate self harm/suicide risk.

There is a Safety Care Plan which can be completed and given to a patient to identify any triggers, allows you to add details of people they could contact for help and also lists other useful services.

The Mood and Memory section give links to the screening templates where you can access scores such as PHQ9 or 6CIT.

Impression section allows you to code the patients condition and there is a link to the Mental Health Act template which gives guidance to the different sections and relevant documentation.

Management section - add free text in the Plan boxes.  

Record any codes for signposting or referral to IAPT - the link to the right of this is a Wellbeing Leaflet listing local services in your area (must be using Ardens Plus or Pro package) as well as national services.

Medication review codes with a link to Ardens formularies for prescribing.

Record any Care Plan codes and generate the Care Plan by clicking the button to the right - 

NB: the document can be auto populated with information you have added in to the template, however before opening the care plan you will need to click 'OK' on the template or Suspend. Once you have reopened the SMI template you can open the care plan which will pull through information you have already added.


Review - Physical Health Tab

Ensure the relevant 'Review' code is added at the top of the template - these codes will allow you to audit how many patients have had their health check or declined/DNA.

Drop down fields directly next to the labels are for adding the status (smoking, alcohol etc.), to the right of each status the drop downs are for recording either advice given or any referrals to other services. The icons on the far right next to each of these fields are access to other templates for you to record any additional information (i.e. smoking cessation, alcohol screening, substance misuse etc.)

By clicking in to the boxes for adding observations (height, weight etc.) any previous entries will display in the yellow panel on the right side of the template.  You can add new entries into the boxes.

There are links to other templates that you may find useful; 

  • HBPM Diary, click to print a diary for patient to record BP results at home
  • Phlebotomy to view recent blood results and generate a new request using the electronic pathology link
  • A link to the Diabetes template if the patient is also diabetic
  • QRisk2 or a website taking you to the QRisk3 calculator

The Mental Health Care Plan read codes and a mail merged word document detailing the patients Mental Health care plan can be completed at the bottom of the template.


Contains Hyperlinks to websites which can be copied and sent to patients (via SMS or email).  Please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article for more details.

Severe Mental Illness Physical Health Check ES Template

Clicking on the Blue Star on the bottom right of the template on either of the Review tabs will take you into the Severe Mental Illness Physical Health Check ES template allowing you to go through the Core, Extra, Follow-Up, Screening and Local Indicators that you would need to follow to complete the SMI review.  The options within the template will follow the reporting requirements and can be used as a guide in completing a patients review.

SMI within the Long Term Condition Template

If a patient requires an SMI Review, it will now be displayed on the Work To Do section on the LTC template in either the Initial Review and Tests or follow up Review tab as above along with a short cut to the Mental Health SMI Review template to complete the outstanding work.

Reporting for NHSE

Reports are available for all of the components of the SMI review. These can be found in 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Contracts | 2024 25 | SMI HC.  Once you have selected the relevant Quarter, click on the dotted square to highlight all reports and then click the green arrow to run the selected reports.

Please Note:  The SMI reports are to be used as a guide only and do not replace the TPP NHS Digital approved reports.  Please see our National Reports Disclaimer Support article for more information.

The Monthly and b Quarterly activity reports are activity counts.  Please Note: These reports won't necessarily match the numbers in the quarter Activity reports as the Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 activity reports show all SMI data added to patients within the last 12 months from the selected quarter.

'Work to do' reports are available in 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Contracts | 2024 25 | SMI HC > Q* 2024 25 Work to do'.  These reports cover the measurements or data capture requirements of the Core, Extra or Follow-Up of the health check core standards. The f Q4 | Work to do reports, can be used as your end of year figures of all patients that require an SMI HC throughout the year.

The g How am I driving | Activity report folder shows all SMI PHC data for the last 12 months. For the core, extra, follow-up and cancer screening reports, declines do not count as the work being done (or remove patients from any denominators).  Patients are instead captured in declined reports within this folder to highlight these patients (if a patient declines but also has the work done they will show in the relevant work done report).  

Follow-up reports within this folder have been updated to ‘needed’, ‘received’ and ‘declined’ intervention in the last 12 months with needed intervention showing all patients who have at some point in the last 12m’s had something recorded that requires intervention e.g. a high BMI (the associated work to do reports only look at most recent readings where appropriate so that only patients who it is still relevant to record intervention are shown)

The h Case Finder reports are designed to look for patients that don't have an SMI diagnosis code, but could possibly be added to the register.

The i Data Quality reports are useful to check if the right codes have been added to the patients records and can be useful to run regularly and records retrospectively amended if necessary.