Last review date 03/02/2023
Practices have been requested to submit a manual change form for each year; 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 and return to their respective Public Health NHS England regional office with relevant evidence. For courses completed during 2016/17 some practices have been able to submit claims via CQRS
There are now a number of reports available to help practices with these claims. These can be found by going to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Contracts | Missed Income > Child Imms'. The reports have been built based on the requirements in the 'General Medical Services Statement of Financial Entitlements Directions 2013'
We are unable to provide reports for 13.8, 13.11 and 13.12 because the specification contains items that can not be reported on.
We have created these reports with the best of intentions to assist practices. The data criteria that has been set is extremely complex and very difficult to replicate in a search. Please check the data looks correct and validate your eligible cohorts before sending in the data submission form for payment.
Submitting a claim
We recommend that you include, with your claim, a screen shot of the reports in SystmOne showing all the relevant data and also included at the bottom of the screen shot some validation reports for the cohorts. So for each year we have searched on age 0-4 divided that by 5 to validate the numbers with a best estimation of what the cohort would have been for each year.
In the example screen shot above these work out at;
2013 -14 = 128 (compared to the reported cohort of 120)
2014 -15 = 119 (compared to the reported cohort of 108)
2015 -16 = 114 (compared to the reported cohort of 112)
2016 -17 = 103 (compared to the reported cohort of 94)
This demonstrates that the yearly data extracted is in line with the cohort validation as above.
How to create a screen shot
- First ensure you have no patient records open or visible
- Navigate to Reporting >Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Contracts | Missed Income >Child Imms
- Ensure the reports have been run
- Top right of your keyboards you should see a key labelled ‘PrtScrn’ (normally just to the right of the ‘F12’ key)
- If you press ‘PrtScrn’ and in your email right click and paste and you should see that it copies the whole of your screen. You can also press ‘CTRL’ + ‘ALT’+’PrtScrn’ which will only copy the SystmOne window