The aim of medicines optimisation is to help patients:
- improve their outcomes
- take their medicines correctly
- avoid taking unnecessary medicines
- improve medicines safety
Ardens provide reports to assist w drug optimisation, for example:
- CVDPP: ?Start statin as QRISK2/3>10% + age <84
- HF: ?Increase B-Blocker as below target dose (+ no MTT recorded)
- AF: ?Start anticoagulant as CHADsVASc=1 + Male (no allergy/decline/unsuitable)
- CKD: ?Consider finerone as CKD 3 or 4 + recommended by NICA TA
- DM2: ?Start SGLT2i as age >=40y + QRISK >10%
These reports can be accessed by navigating to:
Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Prescribing | Optimisation