Last review date 03/02/2023

All the Ardens reports can be found in 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens' and are structured in folders as follows:

Administration - This folder includes a number of administrative reports for a number of items including accessibility, medical records and practice list sizes.

Alerts - These folders include CAS Alerts from the Central Alerting System and also local and other significant new alerts.

Conditions - These reports are broken down by Long term Condition and include alerts, performance indicators and reviews.

Contracts - Here you can find all of your LCS contracts split into annual, quarterly, and monthly subfolders. There are CQRS, NHSE, and NHS Health Check reports for all your contract payment needs. The missed income folder will also ensure that you do not miss out on any potential contract payments. Please note that the Ardens CQRS reports are only approximate reports and the TPP system-wide reports contain the actual counts for automatic extraction for payment (National Contracts Disclaimer).

Invitations - All of the invitations that are sent out to patients are in these folders, including LTC review invitations, drug monitoring invitations, NHS Health Check invitations, and vaccination invitations.

Lifestyle - This folder includes reports for smoking, alcohol, substance misuse, and obesity.

Prescribing - These folders allow you to easily locate all the relevant reports for medicines management including alerts, cost savings, and repeat medication reports.

Procedures - Here you can find all your procedure reports in one place.

Referrals & Letters - This folder includes recent activity reports and alerts too.

Research - If you are involved in Primary Care research, you can find the relevant reports here.

Safeguarding - The adult and child safeguarding folders include subfolders for case finders, registers, and reviews.

Team - These reports look at recent activity within your team and some useful reports to be used during meetings.

Tests - If you use the follow-up test results template, these reports can be found here.

Please Note: When creating a clinical report, if the information you are reporting on has been marked as Safeguarding Child Relevant, the way in which SystmOne have designed their reporting system  the corresponding patient will not be returned in the report, irrespective of whether you have been granted the relevant safeguarding access right(s). 

Please follow this link to the Reporting Video: